Thursday, February 9, 2012

run the fat off 40

I got my run in tonight, I was sore at the start but by the time I got to 1.5 miles I felt a lot better. I am running at a pace just better than 10 min miles, which is about 5.5 on the treadmill, I started running only 40 days ago at 4 on the treadmill, and only getting through 1 mile.

It is amazing at how fast your body can respond and improve, I am still playing hockey on a weekly basis and I can notice more speed and power when skating. Also my recovery time has reduced, I am going as fast at the end of the game as I am at the beginning, it feels pretty good.

I hope to keep the momentum going, today was day 40 I have only missed 6 runs so far. But I have 325 more days to get through. Stop back soon and catch up to where I am.

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