Tuesday, February 28, 2012

run the fat off 59

today was day 59, I took a day off to regroup after one of many crazy busy weekends, I now know that running is becoming a habit because it felt weird to go to bed without running, tonight was back to work as usual, I got in my 1.5 miles.

I have been going strong for a few weeks now, this is my 5th week in school for this semester, my daughter is coming up on 9 months and is already standing and pulling herself up everywhere and I am still working a full time job and a part time job.

for march I have decided to change my run a little, I am going to stick with the 1.5 miles a day but now I will increase the incline this month, I am pretty good with running whatever distance but I want to work on my speed for hockey, so increasing the incline will help.

I have now missed 9 of 59 days still not bad.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

run the fat off 57

Today would be day 57 if I ran, I had a hockey game yesterday and I have to work at my second job at 5 am the last two days in a row. so tonight was a night off to heal and get rest because tomorrow its back to work as usual. This will be the 9th day that I'll have missed in 57 days. I'm not ashamed of that. Come back tomorrow and see if I run or die trying.

I realize that reading the same thing everyday might get boring, so I will try to make my articles more exciting. I'm not sure how, I am usually a non fiction writer, but I'll see what I can do to spruce up my posts.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

run the fat off 54

Today is day 54 I didn't run yesterday because I needed sleep tonight I didn't have school so I made it a point to get on the treadmill.

I have run a long way so far this year, I know its a good start and when I started this little en-devour the goal was to make exercise and running a habit. The first few weeks were tough, I hurt for most of it and didn't see much for results. But then the weight started to come off, my pants fit better my knee aches and pains and my back started to feel good, now I am getting through my day easier I sleep better and I have gotten stronger and slimmer.

working out with a family is not easy I'm not saying it is, I am just saying that if you can push yourself you can achieve the results that you want. It takes will power and support from family and friends, but you can get better and you can get stronger you just have to believe.

good luck.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

run the fat off 52

day 52, still going. I have missed a few but not without feeling bad, my run streak was broke back in week 1 but I think I have more than made up for it.
I have been running from 1-1.5 miles per run, I am not consistent on the 1.5 that I wanted to do in February so I am going to keep trying to push it to 1.5 daily into march. My goal is to run 1 mile everyday of the year, I haven't been able to do that but in 52 days I have only missed 7 days of running a few were due to playing hockey and a few were do to illness. I only had 1 day that I just didn't run.
I'm not saying that there were days that I didn't want to run, I'm just saying I sucked it up and got on the treadmill and plowed out my mile.
day 52 1.25 miles, and 1 day closer to fitness and health. good luck to those that are attempting exercise of any sort.

Leave a comment and I look forward to seeing all your comments.

Monday, February 20, 2012

run the fat off 51

today is day 51, I had a hockey game yesterday so I didn't run, but today I got in only 1 mile, I wanted to go for more but just didn't have it in my tonight.

Everyday I get stronger and am more able to take on my day, my legs are getting stronger and my lungs are getting better, I have noticed a considerable improvement in my ability to recover after my hockey games and during I am faster and stronger.

I challenge anyone who reads this to try and get through 1 month running 1 mile everyday, and see how good you feel.

The truth is we are all build for activity and if we are overweight we can blame thyroids and Mc D. but in reality we all just need to get off the couch from time to time and get busy.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

run the fat off 49

Today was a good day, not to quote ice cube. I had to work 4 hours at my second job, I brought home the drywall for a bathroom remodel that I'm working on and I called my mom to see how she is doing.
I wasn't really up for a run since I am very tired from my week, but I was pressured by my wife so I got on the treadmill and finished off 1.25 miles. Its not the distance that counts but the fact that I got on.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

run the fat off 47

I ate pizza too close to my run, it was a struggle I felt full and lazy, but I made it through the 1.5 that I promised per day in February. I am not feeling very good tonight, I have a head ache and my body didn't want to do it tonight.

1.5 miles 18 minutes not to bad.

motivation level low, its been a long week at work and school and with the baby. Tomorrow is another day.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

run the fat off 46

Today is day 46 I have been slipping lately because I have been trying to get to bed earlier because I have to get up early for work and every morning it is getting harder, with a full time job a part time job, an 8 month old baby and night classes for my second degree. So tonight in an act of desperation I skipped dinner to get my run in, now I am very hungry.

I went 1.5 miles today, I have been feeling good with 1.5 miles some days are better than others, and when I miss a run I can start to feel my back hurt so I know I have to keep up the work outs.

I have missed 6 in 46 days, not bad.

as always leave a comment for motivation and come back soon and read where I'm at.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

run the fat off day 45

So this weekend I fell off the wagon, I had a hockey game on saturday so I didn't run and sunday and monday I just didn't have it in me, it was late and I was just tired so I traded my time for sleep instead of exercise. I have to get back to it, I really don't want to start to slide. so to date I have missed 8 runs in 45 days.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

run the fat off 40

I got my run in tonight, I was sore at the start but by the time I got to 1.5 miles I felt a lot better. I am running at a pace just better than 10 min miles, which is about 5.5 on the treadmill, I started running only 40 days ago at 4 on the treadmill, and only getting through 1 mile.

It is amazing at how fast your body can respond and improve, I am still playing hockey on a weekly basis and I can notice more speed and power when skating. Also my recovery time has reduced, I am going as fast at the end of the game as I am at the beginning, it feels pretty good.

I hope to keep the momentum going, today was day 40 I have only missed 6 runs so far. But I have 325 more days to get through. Stop back soon and catch up to where I am.

run the fat off day 40

I have been running but finding the time to write is getting harder. so here it is, I ran on day 38 1.5 miles it went very well, I have been noticing major changes to my mid section, they say that for guys the toughest part to lose is the gut, they don't lie, my legs are strong and I can see all the muscles my arms and chest are getting better too but the wasteline is stubborn and going slower than the rest, the secret is to keep doing it.
It took me years to get out of shape so there is no reason to think I will be back in shape in a short time. Being consistent is the key, and run everyday or almost everyday.
Last night I didn't run, my daughter has been sick and coughing, I am fighting it the best I can but she wakes up in the middle of the night and as anyone with a child knows, if baby doesn't sleep neither does anyone else, so last night at 10 pm I had to make the choice, go to bed or run, I went to bed. tonight though I will be running again.

Come back soon and see whats new in the run the fat off quest.

Monday, February 6, 2012

run the fat off 37

Today was a good day, I worked hard, had class then home in time to hang with the little one, of course I got in my 1.5 miles. I did it faster today then in the past so I am a little sore but I feel pretty good. I find that every now and then I need to push it a little harder just to make sure the run sticks in good.

I had a hockey game over the weekend and I took the day of the super bowl off because I ate and drank too much so to date I have missed 6 day this year. not bad for someone as busy as I am.

I have finally inspired someone to start running a mile a day, it makes me feel good that someone has read this and wants to change something in their life.

Come back tomorrow.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

run the fat off 33

Today is day 33, I am fairly sore from upping my run distance yesterday, but I got my way through today's run. stretching is a good thing to do to keep from pulling muscles, I usually walk the first tenth of a mile then get into the run.

I was noticing tonight at what it takes to increase distance, I have to give lots of credit to those that are running half and full marathons at a regular pace, I get through 2 miles and am worn out. With any luck by the end of this year I will be in the shape I need to be to get through a run like that.

Please leave comments as they are very motivating. Thanks.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

run the fat off 32

Today was day 32 of my run the fat off year, its been going well so far. Today starts the 1.5 miles per day stint of my goal. all month I will run 1.5 miles per day, It will push me forward as I shred off the pounds, next month will be 2 miles and so on until I hit 3 miles per day then I will limit the runs to every other day as to not incur an injury, we shall see how I feel when I get there, If I feel good maybe I will actually do 3 miles a day.

Come back and see how it goes. it should make for some interesting reading.