Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dark Woods Part 2

In the town of Endeavour there was a girl named Samantha: blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin, and a very chipper personality.

Samantha was a queen in the eyes of her family, she was gifted in school and had a promising social life, and she was the chair of the school community outreach and president of the prom committee at Endeavour high school.

Sam was a junior and knew that she was talented and used it to her advantage; she talked boys into carrying her books, helping with homework, and all sorts of other stuff. On the outside she was a caring person who would stop and give change to a homeless person or help a lost puppy find its owner.

But on the inside she was dark, she had a secret that was carried in her, dormant, she didn’t even know what it was but she knew no one could ever find out.

Sam had very few friends, her best friend was jenny, she was a nice girl who liked to laugh and enjoyed living.

Jenny was quite and only hung out with Sam, Jenny was good in school and lived a simpler life, and she didn’t want to be the center of attention. It didn’t take much to make Jenny happy, she had parents who loved her deeply but had their own troubles and an older brother that looked after her but was shut away from the world, he stayed in his room and played video games mostly, but for Jenny things were ok and she was mostly happy.

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